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How Yoga Nidra Helps With Menstrual Pain

Into my training with Yoga Nidra I experienced strong menstrual cramps.

Instead of dropping pain killers, I decided to be curious and asked myself,

"Can meditation and breathing techniques help with my period pain?"

I lay down in my bed flat on my back, closed my eyes, and started focusing on each individual muscle and part of my pelvic floor, belly, and lower back area.

Wherever I could feel tension and pain, I sent my breath and concentration.

With every inhale, I stretched through the tightened muscle groups, sending oxygen and expansion to the area of pain. With every exhale, I focused on letting go of any tension, falling deeper into the cozy mattress beneath me.

The more I allowed myself to let go, relax, and feel safe, the easier it got until eventually it felt like the knots and tension started to loosen up and the pain around my pelvic, hip, belly, and back area disappeared.

It took me a great piece of discipline to stay focused and keep breathing through the pain, but I was astounded by the effects this technique had and felt a sense of proudness for being able to push through this massive discomfort without the help of drugs.

Immediately after my experience, I had to look this up.

I couldn't have been the first person to discover this.

My research found that practicing Yoga Nidra to help relieve pain and PMS symptoms is indeed very helpful!

Please feel free to read through the related links below to more studies that have shown proof of the effectiveness of Yoga Nidra for menstrual pain. - Six-month trial of Yoga Nidra in menstrual disorder patients -  Impact of Yoga Nidra on menstrual abnormalities in females of reproductive age

For everyone that gets to experience these intense, excrutiating pains each month like me, I can highly recommend this practise.

If you would like to dive deeper into this topic I can highly recommend reading "Period power" by Maisie Hill.

The book states that 90% (!) of people who have periods experience symptoms of PMS. It taught me so much wisdom about our bodies that we all should be aware of and know but were never taught...

Maisie educates us about the menstrual cycle, what happens to our bodies each month and how we can help influence different hormones building certain habits to relieve PMS symptoms.

Find the Book here

I've always been getting easily distracted or didn't find enough time for physical books, I therefore prefer Audiobooks.

I listened to Maisie Hills Period Power on Audible while driving or going for walks with my dog, here is a link for everyone who wants to give it a try.

Please be aware that our bodies are always sending signals to show us something that is going on within ourselves. The more we look away and ignore these symptoms, the more out of touch we get with our bodies intuition.

Listening can be hard sometimes, but it is always worth it in the long run.

I am always here for you to teach you how. 🤍

- Tamara, RQUEST - Request Rest

1 Comment

Mar 12

Wow! What a useful article! Thank you for taking the time to inform & let us be a part of your journey 🙏

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